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About us

The organization VisionGaming was founded in 2016 in Olten with the goal to share our hobby and passion with as many people as possible.
Initially, we organized regional and national offline events in the SNWC with a focus on Smash4, RocketLeague, Halo and Mario Kart tournaments.
With the corona pandemic rising and the abandonment of offline events, our focus shifted towards the eSports and competitive area.
Little by little our teams and players entered the Swiss tournament scene and achieved first successes in RocketLeague (TCS League) and also in CounterStrike (Swisscom HeroLeague).
We were also represented in SUper Smash Bros. Ultimate with several players in the finals of the Blick eSport Masters.
We also successfully organized the first joint lan appearances on the SwitzerLAN.
At the same time the organization kept growing and with sub-brands like Miss eSport and LadiesFirst we got more diversity in our ranks and took up teams in new game titles like Apex Legends and Valorant.
The first big change came in 2022 with the launch of our rebrand and we have realigned ourselves for the coming years and to be ready for the tasks ahead.
Our Team at Visiongaming
We all have the same goal
We want to support Players wherever we can to give them the possibility to grow and develop their skills in playing their Favorite ESport Titles.
We want them to #Play4More
Our generous Sponsors

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